Friday, August 17, 2012

It's Friday!

It's FRIDAY! I am happy, because it's the weekend! Although it doesn't feel like the weekend, since school only started on Wednesday... So, it's the weekend! Okay, so here's how my Friday went. First of all, it's B day, so that means I have language arts, math, science, and gym. It's not exactly a fun day, I would rather do A day, because it has all my fun classes in it. My A day includes art, history, exploring technology, and band! So you can sort of see the reasons why I like A day, because I love art, band, and exploring technology is really fun because I get to build stuff! (I also like the teacher for history) But today, B day was more fun since we actually did stuff, because on A day we just sat and listened to the teacher's talk and talk and talk. So that's why.

F: fun
R: really cool
I: interesting
D: dum dum do do
A: awesome
Y: yay

Author's Note: Hey guys, it;s Cj. I think I might not write on the weekends... tell me if you think otherwise. And thank you Jim, for commenting! I love comments!


  1. Can't wait for you weekend edition!

  2. I am going to make my weekend edition on Monday, plus what happened on, Monday, if anything happened. I usually post around 3:30, so look on my blog at 3:30 Mountain time.
