Thursday, June 9, 2011

bedroom wars

Most people say that sisters are ment to love each other and junk like that? Well..... not for me and my sister! We have wars known as " The Bedroom Wars". My room's name is Hurricane since it is usually a disaster. AKA: very very VERY messy. My sister's room name is " Oasis ". Don't ask me why she named it that because i do not know why. i wanted to name it Pink Pop because her room is pink and she always has her I pod singing pop music. The most recent bedroom war was a couple days ago. My sister wanted me to clean my room, but I was a lazy person when it came to cleaning my room. so my sister made a contest in order to motivate me. who ever got their room the cleanest the fastest would have to do one favor for the other person. Oasis's favor: help move stuff in her room. Hurricanes favor: have a slumber party with Oasis as the maid. as the war went on both rooms were equally clean, but Oasis got won because she got her room cleaner faster. I guess sister's are ment to love each other and other junk because we  are going to do them both!

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